Click on the link above to download/print the order of service. 

December 13th ~ Service of Light & Hope: a time to remember, and grieve, and rekindle hope.

  • This service is open to all even with the Pastoral Care committee having sent invitations to people who’d experienced the death of a family member and would, therefore, be having a first Christmas without them.  
  • Please connect with Jan Richardson or a member of our Pastoral Care Committee (Linda Day, Janie vonKrogh, Sandi Hagen, Barbara-Lynn Goodwin, Lynn Derwantz, Mervyn & Marilyn Penfound, Margaret Medland) if you need a private conversation about how you're feeling this Christmas and/ or have inquiries about this service.   
  • Jan Richardson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting @ 4:00 pm on December 13/20.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 897 6931 8658
Passcode: 507878A

  • As you join in participating, perhaps have a photo of your family, a candle, a prayer shawl, and/or hymn book, near your computer for added emphasize in the service.

Later that day, a recording of the service will be available online our YouTube Channel or Facebook Group 

Order of Service Light & Hope