Click the link above to download/view/print the order of service
June 6th ~ in-person worship @ 10:30 am marking the 96th Anniversary of The United Church of Canada (union day being June 10/25). Sue Stratulate & Joyce Wickstrom are the lay-leaders while Jan is away because of participating in an online continuing education event with none other than Jan Richardson (the american minister, author, artist) in leadership!
Bible Readings: 1 Samuel 8:4-20; Psalm 138; Mark 3:20-35; and 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. These readings invite reflection on leadership and the nature of serving. What would the church look like if it were built upon Jesus' model of serving others, serving a community where nurturing all relationships is our mandate?
An Order of Service (pdf) is attached. One way to worship, from home, is to open this file, read the content and click-open the external links for music, etc. There will NOT be a video posted for this week's service.