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November 25, 2018
Reign of Christ Sunday

Welcome, Gathering and Announcements
(Portions of the service printed in bold are spoken by the whole congregation. The asterisk (*) indicates congregation stands, but please feel free to sit at any time. Children are always welcome at our services. Books/toys are available at the front and back of the sanctuary.)

Candle Lighting & Centring:
Jesus announced the coming of God’s reign—
a commonwealth not of domination
but of peace, justice, and reconciliation.
A Song of Faith - The United Church of Canada
*Opening Song: What Does the Lord Require #701 VU

Poem-Prayer: Your Kingdom Come
The Kingdom of God is at hand – You proclaimed it, Jesus;
But, it often feels like it’s a million miles away.
You demonstrated its grace and showed its power,
but the signs often appear faded or absent in our world.
We need Your Kingdom to come, O God,
in all its fullness, in all its glory;
This waiting, this “now and not yet” experience of Your reign
is hard and frustrating.
And so we pray for Your Kingdom to be revealed in our lives,
turning our sickness and sin, our brokenness and fear
into friendship and compassion, wholeness and joy.
May Your Kingdom come to us now.
We pray for Your Kingdom to be revealed in our neighborhoods,
turning our division and suspicion, our judgment and our competition
into fellowship and care, compassion and service.
May Your Kingdom come to us now.
We pray for Your Kingdom to be revealed in our world,
turning our war and our disparities,
our consumption and our self-interest
into peace and collaboration, stewardship and reverence.
May Your Kingdom come to us now.
Your Kingdom is here, and it is coming, O God.
Make us faithful heralds of its message
and tireless practitioners of its ways.
For Jesus sake.
Written by John van de Laar,

*Hymn: Over My Head #88 MV

Congregational Theme/Story Time

*Hymn: “Give Me Oil” #130 SFGP

A Reading from 2 Samuel 23:1-7, readers’ theatre version
As Israel’s monarchical success begins to close, David’s song points to the foundational importance of knowing the source of one’s strength and worth.

A Reading from John 18:33-37, readers’ theatre version
Pilate asks Jesus if he is the king of the Jews. Jesus replies that his kingdom is not of this world. When Pilate seeks to confirm that he is a king, Jesus cryptically replies that it is Pilate who says so, but that he came into the world to testify to the truth.

Special Music

Minister’s Message:
The question that remains each Reign of Christ Sunday is whether we will choose to live as if the one who reigns is not Caesar, but God.

Call to Offering:
Generosity is cultivated by the practice of regular giving. We give in gratitude for God’s gifts to us, and because we need to live beyond ourselves; making a difference in the world.

*Offertory Chorus: “For All Your Goodness” #549 VU

*Offering Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come
In this world: kingdom living.
In our mouths: kingdom praises.
In our hearts: kingdom goals.
In our hands: kingdom gifts.
Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Amen.
~ written by Carol Penner, and posted on Leading in Worship

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer Jesus Taught

*Hymn: “Spirit God, Be Our Breath” #150 MV

*Blessing: May God Bless Our Eyes
May God,
who comes to us
in the things of this world,
bless our eyes
and be in our seeing.

May Christ,
who looks upon us
with deepest love,
bless our eyes
and widen our gaze.

May the Spirit,
who perceives what is
and what may yet be,
bless our eyes
and sharpen our vision.

May the Sacred Three
bless our eyes
and cause us to see.
~ from In the Sanctuary of Women, copyright © Jan L. Richardson

*Great Amen/Fourfold Amen #208 MV