July 4/21 ~ In-Person worship with Refreshments served following the service! (Coffee/Fellowship time is thanks to Marilyn, Mervyn, and Margaret being ready and willing!) An Order of Service (pdf) is attached for those who want to participate in worship by reading that outline and 'clicking' the links for music.
Our biblical focus comes from Mark 6:1-13 (Jesus, rejected in Nazareth, sends out the 12) and 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 (God's grace is sufficient. God's power is made perfect in weakness.)
What do you/we take and/or leave behind when we respond to God's call? Are you arriving or leaving? Figuring out whether God is calling us to remain in a place or to leave it can be one of the sharpest edges of discernment.
Please join in pausing to read, reflect, and renew your call through worship alone and/or in community.